Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Portable Home Gym works fine, but makes you look retarded.

I was going to start this post about the Portable Home Gym the way I usually do, with some snappy little one liner or a quick faux quotation. Unfortunately, people seem to like this thing. Luckily, you have to look retarded to use it.
(Semi)invisible rocket pack! VROOOOOM!

According to Sky Mall:
"No time for a workout? Use KEFTY at home while watching TV, at the office while reading email, or at the beach while watching the sunset. KEFTY is always there and breaks down in seconds for travel."
"You can even use it on the toilet!"

The problem is that if you actually want to lose weight, no machine is going to make it an especially pleasurable experience. Losing weight involves diet and exercise. This machine promises to make the exercise part easier, but at the end of the day you've still got to sweat and hurt before it's actually doing you any good. 

At least you'll look pretty funny while using it, though.

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